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Murder with Puffins
Meg Langslow #2
by Donna Andrews
Minotaur Books, 310pp
Published: May 2000

In an attempt to get away from her family, Meg and her boyfriend go to a tiny island off the coast of Maine. What could have been a romantic getaway slowly turns into disaster.

Once there, they are marooned by a hurricane and that is only the beginning of their problems. Meg and her boyfriend arrive at the house only to discover that Meg's parents and siblings, along with their spouses are all there. When a murder takes place, Meg realizes that she and her boyfriend can no longer sit by a cozy fireplace, but must instead tramp around the muddy island to keep try and clear her father who is the chief suspect.

It has been a long summer of weddings, murder and ever-present family members so Meg and Michael go to a tiny rustic island in Maine to have some romantic alone time. Unfortunately plans do not go as anticipated. A hurricane almost keeps them from reaching the island and does succeed in stranding them as the ferry cannot leave. When they get to Aunt Phoebe’s cabin they find not only Aunt Phoebe and her friend Mrs Fenniman but also Meg’s brother Rob and her parents who have returned early from their honeymoon.  Add in hundreds of stranded birdwatchers, an anti-social artist, rumors of someone shooting puffins,  the returning hurricane and finally a murder with either Aunt Phoebe or Meg’s dad the prime suspects and the vacation slowly turns into a disaster

Once again Meg’s eccentric family stumbles into adventure and murder. The family’s actions are often laugh-out-loud funny, the murderer is logical but never transparently obvious. These books are a delight. I am enjoying working my way through the series again. Highly recommended. ~~ Stephanie L Bannon

For more titles by Donna Andrews click here

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