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The Boy Who Cried Bear
Haven's Rock #2
by Kelley Armstrong
Minotaur. $28.00. 352pp
Published: February 2024

In The Boy Who Cried Bear, New York Times bestselling author Kelley Armstrong keeps readers on the edge of their seats while detective Casey Duncan tries to locate the threat before it’s too late. . .

Haven’s Rock is a well-hidden town surrounded by forest. And it’s supposed to be, being that it’s a refuge for those who need to disappear. Detective Casey Duncan and her husband, Sheriff Eric Dalton already feel at home in their new town, which reminds them of where they first met in Rockton. And while they know how to navigate the woods and its various dangers, other residents don’t. Which is why people aren't allowed to wander off alone.

When Max, the town’s youngest resident—taught to track animals by Eric—fears a bear is stalking a hiking party, alarms are raised. Even stranger, the ten-year-old swears the bear had human eyes. Casey and Eric know the dangers a bear can present, so they’re taking it seriously. But odd occurrences are happening all around them, and when a dead body turns up, they’re not sure what they’re up against.

The new town of Haven’s Rock is up and running with changes from its predecessor Rockton. While it remains a haven for those in need of a place to hide from mistakes they may have made, one change is the admittance of couples as well as families, including  a mother with two children. When one of the children goes missing after seeing a “bear man”  Casey and Dalton lead the search but is it for a possible wild man in a bear skin or is the culprit from the neighboring secretive mining camp or even one of Haven Rock’s residents.  Coupled with the search for the missing boy Casey is facing a health crisis, she may be pregnant!

We continue to follow the lives of the residents of Rockton as they establish their new sanctuary, Haven’s Rock. This time out we learn a bit more about the past of one of the newer characters, Gunnar. While the immediate mystery of the missing boy is solved we are left with a cliff hanger as to what the miners are really doing which we will hopefully learn more about in the next book in the series. I read this entry in one sitting and really want the next one right now though I fear I will not have my curiosity satisfied until next year. Ms Armstrong recommends, and I agree, that this is not a good place to start this series. At the very least the reader should start with book 1 of this sequel series - Murder at Haven’s Rock.  I will admit that having read Murder at Haven’s Rock I went and found all the Rockton books and devoured them as well.  This series as well as its set-up predecessor series, Rockton, are both highly recommended. ~~ Stephanie L Bannon

For more titles in this series click here
For more titles by Kelley Armstrong click here

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